Our Worship program and Creative Club have been huge influencers in reaching teenagers for God at the College and am starting to hear there are other schools who are harnessing the powerful tool of music to connect their students with God.
This is the heart behind Youth Worship Summit – to equip students at all our Christian Schools to champion Christian values from a position of creative strength, unity, anointed excellence and relevance. Youth worship teams get to shape youth culture and use the arts to influence their generation by making the Chapel experience at all Christian schools the highlight of the week!
At Youth Worship Summit, WA’s Christian school teams will come together to share ideas, develop their musical gifts, make new connections and most importantly – get touched and changed by the presence of God.
This 1-day YWS retreat includes:
• combined worship sessions
• inspirational training,
• break-out mini-masterclasses,
• networking/testimonies/sharing and
• chill time over morning tea and lunch to build the solidarity and momentum of our young leaders
• training on how to facilitate Chapels at their schools, laying the groundwork and creating atmospheres for people to come to experience and know God in a personal way.
Contact info@kingsworshipacademy.com.au for information.
23 May 2025
Rev. Dr Michael Battersby
Director – Kings Worship Academy
2024 Worship Summit Event
I would like to express what a privilege it was to be a part of the Youth Worship Summit and to work alongside our other Creative Leaders, Ministry Leaders, and my fellow Music Captain. Together, we organised for schools such as Hillside Christian College, Providence Christian College, Kolbe Catholic College, and Kingsway Christian College to join us for a day with our Creative Club. We called this event the Youth Worship Summit.
This event saw Christian school teams come together to share ideas, develop their musical gifts, make new connections and most importantly – get touched and changed by the presence of God.
The Kingdom City Youth band had also joined us for the day. It was such an honour worship leading with them. They are amazing musicians and singers and on top of that, they are probably one of the best worship leaders that I have encountered.
This is how our day went:
We started the day by welcoming the schools as they arrived. Our younger Creative Club members welcomed them in with posters and signs written with positive messages and greetings. As soon as all the schools got settled down in their seats, we welcomed everyone and took off with some praise and worship. Everybody got so into it and responded so well. After that, Pastor Jesse from Kingdom City shared a 15 minute word and prayed for everybody in the room. He encouraged us all to step up!
We then played 2 ice-breaker games, “Finish the Lyrics” and Bingo. Everybody loved the games, and it was a great opportunity for everyone to get to know new people. We also had asked each school to nominate 2 representatives to come up to join our Q&A Panel Session. We asked each school questions about their team and school to compare how different each school run chapel sessions, rehearsals, how they bring God into their school life, etc. Each school gave great responses, and they were all so different.
We broke off for recess time and we came back to Hillside’s team performing a song for us. Even though it was a performance, they really gave it a “ministry time” feel to it and they were all so amazing. After, we split everyone off into workshops; band, sound tech, worship leaders and singers. I joined the worship leader workshop and we shared with each other tips on how to improve our worship leading skills.
For lunch we had pizza and when I tell you it was devoured, IT WAS DEVOURED. There was basically nothing left! We also hosted a mini lunchtime music session for all the other schools to showcase a song that they had prepared. Everyone who performed were just so talented and their items were so good.
We ended the day with ministry lead again by the Kingdom City team and we said our goodbyes.
– Selena Villaflor , Music Captain
Develop your own approach to worship ministry; one that utilises your particular gifts and creative passions to connect with God and others.
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