Worship Together

Throughout the time of your study, you and your entire worship and creative arts team will have the opportunity to connect with other worship teams from around our city.

Once a year we invite significant leaders in church worship from around the world to train and equip us for our journey in worship leadership.

It is our privilege to host you, your team and anyone who is passionate about worship and in particular, unified worship with other believers.

It’s a great networking opportunity where we connect, pray and learn from one another.

It’s a great networking opportunity where we connect, pray and learn from one another.


Worship Together 2024

WORSHIP TOGETHER 2024 was a beautiful time of celebration and reflection with saints from all over Perth. There was a very impacting sense of God encouraging His people to stand on their testimony and to shout in the midst of storms and trust His faithfulness and enduring presence.
Darlene Zschech’s interview outlining her embattled testimony was such an encouragement. Different worship leaders from around the city led her different songs as she shared the ‘stories’ behind the songs.

We look forward to 2025 Worship Together as we invite you, your team, and anyone passionate about worship to unify in worship with other believers.


Worship Together is proudly hosted by King’s Worship Academy. This important night is part of our commitment to the furtherance of ministry skills and relationships of Academy graduates, and to develop their home worship teams.

15 September 2025

The King’s College, 170 Bertram Road, Wellard, WA.

6.45pm – 8:30pm

Guest Ministry
To be confirmed

Please email info@kingsworshipacademy.com.au to find out more.

Develop your own approach to worship ministry; one that utilises your particular gifts and creative passions to connect with God and others.

Interested? Questions? Contact Us Today.